February 13, 2019
Hector Zelaya
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6 Benefits of Integrating WebRTC into your Business Video Conferencing Solution
In a previous post, we shared the reasons why you shouldn’t depend on Skype for the remote services of your product. Today as a follow-up, we bring to you the 6 benefits of integrating WebRTC into your business video conferencing solution. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants First and foremost: WebRTC is an open source project backed up by some of the big names of the internet. When you rely on it for your product,
February 11th RealTimeWeekly #267
Real Time Weekly #267: February 11, 2019 In this issue we've got new WebRTC and Realtime articles from Pipe, Agora, Google, Twilio, Nexmo and more! Do you have topics in mind that you wanna see more often? Do you want to share your tech blog posts and publish them here? Send your feedback and links! Standards Compliant Screen Capture in Chrome 72 Pipe Jan 30 With Chrome 72 we’re now able to capture the screen without
February 6, 2019
Alberto Gonzalez
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Why Does Your Business Need a Real Time Application?
You may be asking "Why does my business need a real time application?" Open your Twitter app. Scroll up. And you will most likely see the everyday more frequent LIVE video. Live video news, sports broadcastings or just the latest presidential speech will be there, live. We are used to reading, watching, speaking and even publishing the latest news in no time. Real Time Communications (RTC) apps are all around. Online Education, Telehealth, Social, Customer
February 4th RealTimeWeekly #266
Real Time Weekly #266: February 4, 2019 In this issue we've got new WebRTC and Realtime articles from Hackster, Nexmo, Twilio, Bloggeek, Pusher, WebRTCHacks and more! Do you have topics in mind that you wanna see more often? Do you want to share your tech blog posts and publish them here? Send your feedback and links! Raspberry Pi Video Preview in the Browser hackster.io Jan 22 A tutorial of how to use a Raspberry Pi with
January 29, 2019
Hector Zelaya
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Why you Shouldn’t Use Skype For Your Business Video Conferencing Solution
Thinking about following the lucrative trend of business video conferencing? Are you considering utilizing something like Skype for providing such capabilities to your business? Before jumping into it, here are the reasons why you shouldn't use Skype for your business video conferencing solution. Video conferencing has evolved from being just a social commodity. In fact, it has expanded its realm to several fields, including healthcare, education and customer services. Proof of this is the growing
January 28st RealTimeWeekly #265
Real Time Weekly #265: January 28, 2019 In this issue we've got a few articles and tutorials about WebRTC, SIP and Real-time development and a great article from BlogGeek.me about the role of WebAssembly in WebRTC! Do you have topics in mind that you wanna see more often? Do you want to share your tech blog posts and publish them here? Send your feedback and links! Happy Reading! @germangol Editor Getting started with Asyngular Jonathan Gros-Dubois
January 21st RealTimeWeekly #264
Real Time Weekly #264: January 21, 2019 In this issue we've got a few articles and tutorials about WebRTC, SIP and Real-time development and a great article from BlogGeek.me about the role of WebAssembly in WebRTC! Do you have topics in mind that you wanna see more often? Do you want to share your tech blog posts and publish them here? Send your feedback and links! Happy Reading! @germangol Editor Serverless approach to build backend WebSocket
January 14th RealTimeWeekly #263
Real Time Weekly #263: January 14, 2019 In this issue we've got a great articles and tutorials about Real-time communications from Nexmo, Bloggeek, Callstats, Vidyio.io, and more! Do you have topics in mind that you wanna see more often? Do you want to share your tech blog posts and publish them here? Send your feedback and links! Happy Reading! @germangol Editor State Management in Angular Using Firebase toptal.com Jan 08 A step by step tutorial of
January 8, 2019
Alberto Gonzalez
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IIT RTC Conference Presentation: Using WebRTC for Telepresence Systems
A few months ago, I was fortunate enough to be invited to present at the IIT RTC 2018 conference in Chicago. Hey, better late than never on posting, right?? I talked about using webRTC for telepresence systems. First, for those that do not know, the IIT RTC conference is a yearly Real Time Communications conference that joins RTC experts and enthusiasts from all around the globe. They share their viewpoints on how Real-Time Communications technology will define
January 7th RealTimeWeekly #262
Real Time Weekly #262: January 7, 2019 Happy new year and welcome to the first RealTimeWeekly of 2019! Let's start a great year together with articles and tutorials of Realtime and WebRTC development. In this issue we've got a few articles with content from OpenVidu, Nexmo, Twilio, OpenTok and Callstats. Please send your feedback and share your tech blog posts! @germangol Editor OpenVidu load testing: a systematic study of OpenVidu platform performance OpenVidu Dec 21, 2018
December 24th RealTimeWeekly #261
Real Time Weekly #261: December 24, 2018 Welcome to the final RealTimeWeekly of 2018! This was my second year as the editor of RealTimeWeekly. Thank you all for your great feedback and for sharing links with us! We're taking the next 2 weeks off for the holidays, and we'll be back on January 8th to start a new year full of Realtime and WebRTC articles! Wishing you Happy Holidays, @germangol Editor Add typing indicators and file
Decenber 17th RealTimeWeekly #260
Real Time Weekly #260: December 17, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! In this issue we've got great content from Twilio about their new Network Quality API, a WebRTC tutorial of Agora for Android, articles about machine learning and computer vision, and more! Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor Announcing Programmable Video Network Quality API Twilio Dec
Effects In WebRTC? A Filters Tutorial
Back in 2015, we shared an article about how to apply effects to WebRTC in realtime. Since then a few things have changed and that's why today we bring to you a new post about effects in WebRTC, but this time approaching one of the most popular features of today's social media apps: filters. Requirements. To follow along you'll need at least Git, Node and NPM installed. Installation steps for each operating system will vary, so
Decenber 10th RealTimeWeekly #259
Real Time Weekly #259: December 10, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! In this issue we've got content from Twilio about WebSockets using Twilio Sync API, developing a social app in Ionic with Pusher, implementing sentiment analysis in Agora's video, and more! Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor Sentiment analysis with Agora’s video call Agora Dec 3
Decenber 3rd RealTimeWeekly #258
Real Time Weekly #258: December 3, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! It's amazing how time flies! We are already in December! Let's start the last month of the year with more technical blog posts about Realtime and WebRTC development. Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor Screen Capture in Chrome 70 With getDisplayMedia() Pipe Nov 23 An overview
November 26th RealTimeWeekly #257
Real Time Weekly #257: November 26, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! This week we've got many new tutorials and articles about WebRTC and Realtime development. Check out all the videos from Kranky Geek 2018, there were really great talks! Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor Here’s How to Build Your Own Smart Home in an Afternoon
How to Host a Secure WebRTC Telehealth Application
The most important part of security in any healthcare-related application is protecting patient data. In each piece of your application architecture, think about where patient data are stored, how will you protect that data, and how to restrict access to the data. This post explores what you must consider when building and hosting your secure telehealth application. For example, take a look at this sample telehealth application using WebRTC. What parts of this need to
November 20, 2018
Ginger Germani
Comments Off on How I Connect and Advocate for Mental Health Care to Try to Survive the Suicide Loss of My Son
How I Connect and Advocate for Mental Health Care to Try to Survive the Suicide Loss of My Son
As I usually do, when our Marketing Director asks me if I’d like to write a post about International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, I said “Of course”. I lost my son, Austin, 18 months ago. Big confession, I have not attended an event for this day yet; but, I do connect and advocate for mental health care in order to try to survive. The team of incredible people that I have the privilege to
November 19th RealTimeWeekly #256
Real Time Weekly #256: November 19, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! This week we've got new tutorials and articles about WebRTC and Realtime development. In addition, check out the recently open sourced TURN server from Xirsys, and the new features included in the latest release of OpenTok v2.15! Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor Saying Happy
November 15, 2018
Comments Off on Nexmo, Tokbox, and Changes in the CPaaS – What Does it All Mean for You?
Nexmo, Tokbox, and Changes in the CPaaS – What Does it All Mean for You?
Our team at WebRTC.ventures has been together now for nearly eight years, and we’ve been focused on WebRTC and video applications for four years now. Considering the average lifespan of startups in general, those are monumental accomplishments that we are proud of. There is only one thing we have consistently seen in our eight years as a company: Change. Each year has brought its own set of challenges to us as a company, to the