June 11, 2018
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UniCustomer Care- Licensed Expert Consultation Platform under your Label & Brand!
Are you looking for a custom real time video and audio licensed expert consultation platform to further support and engage customers? Are you looking for an already-built platform that can be easily customized and quickly released to market? If so, you are in luck! WebRTC Ventures recently announced a new product offering: an expert consultation platform which you can license under your logo and brand. Do you have customers that you meet with in person? Well,
The 5 Areas You Must Secure in your Telehealth Application
Healthcare Data Breaches Affect Providers of All Sizes. Within the last few years, there were major data breaches of large healthcare providers like Anthem, Premera Blue Cross, and Excellus BlueCross Blueshield. But it's not only the major providers hackers may target. Smaller medical practices can be a target too, and as more of them adopt telehealth applications, it's important they do not become easy targets for sophisticated hackers. It is therefore crucial to know what you must
June 6, 2018
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The 3 Inherent Security Advantages of WebRTC Video in Telehealth
Hackers abound on the internet, and they don’t just want your credit card numbers. Hackers profit directly from stealing bank or credit card information. However, with healthcare or other personal data, they profit by selling that data on the “dark web” to other hackers who may use that personal information as part of identity theft operations. Healthcare data breaches are a major concern for privacy and financial reasons, to both the patient and to the
June 4th RealTimeWeekly #232
Real Time Weekly #232: June 4, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Another week full of tutorials and articles about Real-time and WebRTC development. Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor NOTE: Real Time Weekly subscribers are only shared with RTWeekly's parent company, WebRTC.ventures Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! Building a WebRTC Video Chat Application with SimpleWebRTC Michael Wanyoike, sitepoint.com
Train-With Live Video Fitness Training Application
When Train-With's founder, Rachel Aram, decided to create a platform which provides one the ability to take a group fitness class or train with a favorite trainer regardless of time and location, she turned to the WebRTC.ventures team to get professional help in developing and launching her mobile live video fitness training application. Here's an example of how Train-With can be used — you are traveling, or you move to another state but still want
May 28th RealTimeWeekly #231
Real Time Weekly #231: May 28, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! This week we've got a number of interesting blog posts about Realtime development and WebRTC. There's an interesting announcement from Twilio about their new Programmable Video Recording Compositions API. Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! Beyond REST: Using WebSockets for
Why You Should Consider WebRTC Video for Telehealth?
You may realize that your healthcare business must consider telehealth in order to not only meet patients' growing technological expectations, but also to not get displaced or beat out by your competition. You know that video is a very important component of telehealth. You may have heard of the term "webRTC video" mentioned when discussing telehealth. What is it? Why should you consider webRTC video for telehealth? WebRTC is a standard for connecting two or more
May 21st RealTimeWeekly #230
Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! Here you have a set of new tutorials about WebRTC and realtime development from this last week. Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Happy Reading! @germangol Editor Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! This week's Real Time News WebRTC Issues and How to Debug Them Codeship May 09 Very interesting article where you will
What is the Value of WebRTC to Your Business?
What is the value of WebRTC to your business? The WebRTC standard was first drafted in 2012, and so is now approaching six years old. As someone who has been involved in the WebRTC integration space for four years now, it feels both old and new to me. WebRTC still feels new because it's just in the last year that Apple's Safari browsers have begun to support it, who became the last of the major
What is Telehealth? What are its Promises?
There has been much talk about telehealth lately but what is it exactly? According to Mosby's Medical Dictionary, telehealth is defined as: The use of telecommunication technologies to provide health care services and access to medical and surgical information for training and educating health care professionals and consumers, to increase awareness and educate the public about health-related issues, and to facilitate medical research across distances. What are the promises of telehealth and why are many
May 14th RealTimeWeekly #229
Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! A new week full of new blog posts and tutorials about WebRTC and real-time development. Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Happy Reading! @germangol Editor Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! This week's Real Time News WebRTC + TensorFlow Lite + Android Silver Lining May 6 Very nice tutorial of how to combine TensorFlow
May 6th RealTimeWeekly #228
Welcome to Real Time Weekly! In this week's issue we have several tutorials for all tastes. My favorite of the week is the talk about Elixir and Phoenix. If you have technical blog posts, event announcements, or any suggestion please contact me at german@webrtc.ventures. Happy Reading! @germangol Editor Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! This week's Real Time News React Native Firebase Example appdividend.com Apr 24 A simple example code to learn how to connect Firebase
April 30th RealTimeWeekly #227
Welcome to Real Time Weekly! This week we have more tutorials of WebRTC and Real-time development. Attention to the bug in Chrome v66 which is breaking many WebRTC apps that use AudioContext and MediaStream to display mic volume! Philipp Hacke explains more about this in his blog post. If you have technical blog posts, event announcements, or any suggestion please contact me at german@webrtc.ventures. Happy Reading! @germangol Editor Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates!
April 26, 2018
Rillmar Ortiz
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Webphones: What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Representative?
Webphones are web-based applications that allow you to make phone calls directly in your Internet browser like Firefox, Chrome, Safari and many more. Webphones can make and receive calls from traditional phones (PSTN, Public Switch Telephone Network). The Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities also allows audio, video, messaging and file transfers in any heterogeneous device from smartphones to PC using the most modern Internet Browsers. There are several alternatives to communicate from webRTC to traditional phones
April 23rd RealTimeWeekly #226
Welcome to Real Time Weekly! This week we have more tutorials of WebRTC and Real-time development. My favorite of this week is the blog post about data channels written by WebRTC.ventures. Although the article about Janus is very good as well. If you have technical blog posts, event announcements, or any suggestion please contact me at german@webrtc.ventures. Happy Reading! @germangol Editor Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! This week's Real Time News Explaining the Real-time Transport
April 17, 2018
Fernando Vasquez
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File Transfers: A Small Demonstration with WebRTC, React and Redux
We’re always trying to find new ways to communicate with other people, but even with the progress we have made, something as essential as sharing files is still so cumbersome to do. We always need to upload the file to a server and then send it to ourselves for later usage. Let’s face it, it’s not always as simple as sending a message to a peer, there’s always something else involved. But, this is changing
April 16th RealTimeWeekly #225
Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Another week full of tutorials about Real-time and WebRTC development. We'd like to thank Peter Mbanugo for sharing his tutorial about building a real-time voting app using Hamoni Sync. If you have technical blog posts, event announcements, or any suggestion please contact me at german@webrtc.ventures. Happy Reading! @germangol Editor Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! This week's Real Time News Build a Chat App with Sentiment Analysis Using Amazon
April 13, 2018
Hector Zelaya
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Telehealth and Wearable Devices – How This Can Impact Your Healthcare Business!
Medical wearable devices are everywhere, and it seems that they’re here to stay. A recent study shows that for 2022, its market will grow to USD 14.41 billion. But how and where do they fit into Telehealth? We will cover telehealth and wearable devices in this article, and most importantly, what can they do for your telemedicine solution and healthcare business. A wearable device is an electronic gadget that can be worn on the body, and
April 9th RealTimeWeekly #224
Welcome to Real Time Weekly! For this week we've got several blog posts about Real-time and WebRTC development. My favorite of this week is the article from Agora.io about how to add Augmented Reality to a live video stream. If you have technical blog posts, event announcements, or any suggestion please contact me at german@webrtc.ventures. Happy Reading! @germangol Editor Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! This week's Real Time News Augmented Reality Video Conference Agora-io
April 4, 2018
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[Webinar Recap] WebRTCventures CEO Discusses “Impacts of WebRTC on Modern Communication”
INXPO asked our company's Founder & CEO, Arin Sime to present on the "Impacts of WebRTC on Modern Communication" during their first On Air with Ben Chodor series held on March 28th. In this new series, Chodor, Sime, and four other guests discussed the next best to face-to-face — WebRTC. Real-Time Communications is the final step in making video communication as real as in-person conversations with no latency issues. WebRTC also opens doors for effective and authentic communication. Guests