August 30, 2018
Germán Goldenstein
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Interactive Broadcast Solution: Now broadcast your events to a wide audience!
For the last three years, we’ve been working with TokBox building Interactive Broadcast Solution (aka IBS), which is a broadcasting application that enables you to create events and to broadcast them live to a large audience. Interactive Broadcast Solution v2.0 is now open source. This means it's public and anyone is now able to clone the repository, test the app, and to contribute with the project by doing pull requests like any other open source project.
Quick Guide: Payments in Telehealth
It is important to consider security for payments in telehealth. Any e-commerce application that handles customer credit card information needs to consider application security, and this applies to telehealth applications as well. In general, there are several types of payments your application might need to consider: Integration with other medical billing systems - This is the most complicated option to consider, but often the ideal solution if a telehealth application is going to be used
August 27th RealTimeWeekly #244
Real Time Weekly #244: August 27, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! In this week's issue we have cool tutorials to build chat apps, chatbots, VoIP phone calls from the browser using Nexmo, a tutorial of, and more! In addition we are sharing a survey from that will take you a few minutes to complete it. Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just
August 27, 2018
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The Future of Healthcare: Are We Headed for AI or Virtual Doctors?
There are a number of technologies coming together right now which will drastically alter the future of healthcare and how we interact with medical professionals. The question at hand is whether we are headed for AI or virtual doctors? Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, live video technology, and voice assistant technology are already making an impact on medical care, although exactly where this all ends up is not clear yet due to the rapidly
August 20th RealTimeWeekly #243
Real Time Weekly #243: August 20, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! In this week's issue we have great blog posts about Real-time and WebRTC development for you. In addition we are sharing a survey from that will take you a few minutes to complete it. Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor NOTE: Real Time Weekly subscribers are
August 16, 2018
Hector Zelaya
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Do You Need a HITRUST or Health Information Trust Certification for Telehealth?
An important question to consider with telehealth applications is: Do you need a health information trust certification for telehealth? We already mentioned that HIPAA is not an actual program where you get a framed certificate at the end of the process. To claim HIPAA compliance in your application is certainly a good standard to have, but if you want to go further than that, you may want to consider HITRUST certification. The HITRUST Common Security
August 13th RealTimeWeekly #242
Real Time Weekly #242: August 13, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! This week we have tutorials and articles from Pusher, Twilio, WebRTCHacks, Twilio,, Ably and more! Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor NOTE: Real Time Weekly subscribers are only shared with RTWeekly's parent company, Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! How to build an HTML chatbox
Do You Need to Integrate Your Telehealth App?
A question you may ask when building an application is, do you need to integrate your telehealth app? When building your telehealth application, it may be a standalone application. This is the simplest to secure because there is no application interface where private data might be exchanged with outside systems.  However, it’s typical that your telehealth app will need to integrate with other systems. External systems could include: Electronic Medical Record systems Payment, Invoicing, or Billing
August 10, 2018
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How to Make Sure Your Telehealth Video App is HIPAA Compliant
It is important to understand how to make sure your telehealth video app is HIPAA compliant so that your patients' information can be secured properly. For discussion purposes, we will consider a telehealth application where patients may search for doctors and then schedule a video consultation with them. To keep it simple, let’s focus on the healthcare provider directory and the patient’s video consultation. When the patient is booking a consultation with their doctor, these are
Survey: Calling All WebRTC Developers – Your Input is Needed!
Last year, we sent out a survey asking you to share your experiences and challenges as a webRTC developer and were astounded by your response. As you know, over the last 12 months, the world of webRTC has not only grown a lot but has experienced much change. It is time to once again examine the webRTC development trends. We'd like to learn more about the challenges you face, and what you're seeing in the WebRTC marketplace. So, we
August 6th RealTimeWeekly #241
Real Time Weekly #241: August 6, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! The big news last week in the WebRTC ecosystem is the acquirement of TokBox by Vonage. In addition we have tutorials and articles from Pusher, PubNub, WebRTCHacks, Twilio and a WebRTC video tutorial from one of our readers! Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor NOTE: Real Time Weekly
August 6, 2018
Hector Zelaya
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[TUTORIAL] ​How ​to ​Build ​a ​Video Conference ​Application ​with WebRTC ​& ​Tokbox
This tutorial will be how to build a video conference ​application ​with WebRTC ​& ​Tokbox. We will cover how to build a video conference application by using a Communication-Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) solution, this means that we will focus only on coding our application and not on the infrastructure on which rely. We will use Tokbox as the CPaaS solution. So before we begin, go ahead and create an account if you don’t already have one. Tokbox
August 6, 2018
Comments Off on Meet the Team: Maynor Taisigüe,’ Information Security Officer
Meet the Team: Maynor Taisigüe,’ Information Security Officer
Henry Ford was once quoted as saying, "The two most important things in any company do not appear in its balance sheet: its reputation and its people". You know what we do at — we bring people together by closing geographical gaps using real time communication. However, you may not know WHO we are...that is until now. Each week, we have been introducing you to a member of our team. This week we would like to
August 3, 2018
Hector Zelaya
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[TUTORIAL] ​How ​to ​Build ​a ​Video Conference ​Application ​with WebRTC ​& ​Kurento ​Media ​Server
Learning though a tutorial on how to build a video conference application with WebRTC and a Kurento media server is an easy way to see how WebRTC works. Though the original idea behind WebRTC is to establish a peer-to-peer direct connection, a media server is useful to add advanced functionality like recording, multi party and custom processing to the call.We will use Kurento, which is an open source media server, to add support for more
July 30th RealTimeWeekly #240
Real Time Weekly #240: July 30, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! This week we've got several real-time tutorials from PubNub, Pusher, and Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor NOTE: Real Time Weekly subscribers are only shared with RTWeekly's parent company, Follow us at @RealTimeWeekly for the most "real-time" updates! Twilio + PHP to Call and Text July 18 Twilio Learn
July 26, 2018
Hector Zelaya
Comments Off on [Tutorial] How to Build a Video Conference Application with WebRTC
[Tutorial] How to Build a Video Conference Application with WebRTC
In this blog post, we will provide a tutorial on how to build a video conference application using webRTC. We will not complicate it too much, it will be a simple one-to-one video conference application using nothing more than the WebRTC APIs and a few other libraries to build a custom signaling server. Let's first make a quick recapitulation of facts before we get started. To do so let's check the following diagram of webRTC
Which Multi-Party WebRTC Option Should You Go With?
With WebRTC, you have a number of options for adding more than one user to the connection in order to make it a multi-party video call. We know that WebRTC provides real time communication using video, audio and data, natively on the browser and through a secure peer-to-peer connection. Of course, you and I both know that we also need signaling and a couple of STUN/TURN servers to do the trick. But in order to
July 23rd RealTimeWeekly #239
Real Time Weekly #239: July 23, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! This week we've got content about push notifications using Pusher, a real-time react app using PubNub, object detector with TensorFlow, WebRTC app using, and an article about SFU from Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor NOTE: Real Time Weekly subscribers are only shared with RTWeekly's parent company,
Adriana Benavides, Project Lead
Henry Ford was once quoted as saying, "The two most important things in any company do not appear in its balance sheet: its reputation and its people". You know what we do at — we bring people together by closing geographical gaps using real time communication. However, you may not know WHO we are...that is until now. Each week, we have been introducing you to a member of our team. This week we would like to
July 16th RealTimeWeekly #238
Real Time Weekly #238: July 16, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! This week we've got interesting articles about Video Codecs, WebRTC MCU Architecture, Jitsi scaling, PubNub Functions, WebSockets, and more. Take a look to the TokBox's blog post about AR, good job! Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks for Reading! @germangol Editor NOTE: Real Time Weekly subscribers are only shared with RTWeekly's parent company,