Developments in Business Communications
New Developments in Business Communications Communication has always been important. Even when the only way to record events was to draw pictures of them on rocks, plenty of people made sure to do exactly that. It's no wonder that communications technology has always been one of the fastest-advancing sectors considering how humans seem to be genetically driven to talk to each other, record history, and otherwise get their points across. Online communication has taken this
History of Telecommunications
WebRTC - The Next Big Thing in Telecommunication Vintage communication At the time of the invention of the telegraph, few would have imagined what real time communications would mean in the 21st century. Back then, the ability to get a short message by going to a special office seemed groundbreaking. In fact, when the telephone came along, some people predicted that it wouldn't take off - after all, who would need it when
Top 5 Ways to Create a More Interactive Website
Top 5 Ways to Create a More Interactive Website Website operators are constantly looking for ways to keep traffic coming back, and many in the field recommend adding interactive features to help with this goal. There are many things that can be considered interactive, however, and successful implementation requires matching the right ones with a particular site. Here are some of the top options and the types of sites they usually work well with: 1.
Telemedicine and the Technology That Makes It Possible
WebRTC is Making Waves in the Medical Industry Real time communications are no longer just for watching videos or chatting with friends. Now, doctors and other healthcare professionals are using the latest technology to provide immediate help to patients in a variety of ways that was once unthinkable. Everything from online appointment setting to full-on virtual visits can be done via websites, mobile apps, and other technology that was once considered unlikely to leave the
WebRTC makes live events more interactive
WebRTC is not just about video chat, it's about bringing conversation to the point where it's most impactful. As a technologist who is very interested in WebRTC, it's easy for me to get excited purely about the technology of Peer-to-Peer communications, and forget about the most important thing: value. What value does WebRTC have if it can't bring value to users? None at all. The most interesting thing about WebRTC to me is not the
WebRTC and the 7 deadly sins of Healthcare Startups
Startup guru Steve Blank recently published a guest post on his blog about healthcare startups, and the 7 deadly sins that they often fall victim to. In this post, Todd Dunn makes some excellent points about the challenges facing innovators in healthcare. Â Identifying who has purchasing power, who can make decisions, understanding the long sales cycles of medical professionals ... these are serious challenges to any startup. But as technology advances, and standards like WebRTC