Our team is always receiving interesting calls from customers and potential customers, who want to know if their web or mobile communications or collaboration application can be implemented using WebRTC technologies. Sometimes those calls lead to some insights in industry trends (which I’ve documented previously here), and
There are a number of great WebRTC blogs out there, including “The New Dialtone” by Amir Zmora. One of the regular features Amir writes is the WebRTC “Topic of the Month”, where he poses a question to WebRTC activists and thought leaders. I’m proud to have been
I originally posted this article on RealTimeWeekly.co – sign up for free weekly news on the latest real time technologies and events, including WebRTC! What’s the latest news with WebRTC? At WebRTC Boston, we heard about the latest on WebRTC adoption, IoT and WebRTC, codecs, WebRTC broadcasting,
Does WebRTC have a place in the Internet of Things? This is a question I’ve often wondered and an area I’m expecting to see a lot of growth in WebRTC development. At WebRTC Boston today, I had a chance to explore this question in a session on