This tutorial will be how to build a video conference application with WebRTC & Tokbox. We will cover how to build a video conference application by using a Communication-Platform-as-a-Service (CPaaS) solution, this means that we will focus only on coding our application and not on the infrastructure
Henry Ford was once quoted as saying, “The two most important things in any company do not appear in its balance sheet: its reputation and its people”. You know what we do at — we bring people together by closing geographical gaps using real time communication. However, you
Learning though a tutorial on how to build a video conference application with WebRTC and a Kurento media server is an easy way to see how WebRTC works. Though the original idea behind WebRTC is to establish a peer-to-peer direct connection, a media server is useful to
In this blog post, we will provide a tutorial on how to build a video conference application using webRTC. We will not complicate it too much, it will be a simple one-to-one video conference application using nothing more than the WebRTC APIs and a few other libraries