While WebRTC continues to evolve, differences between browsers and operating systems can be challenging. Alberto shared methods and tools you can use to troubleshoot any video application, as well as some of the particularly important concepts to properly troubleshoot a production-ready application that uses Twilio Video APIs.
We concluded a great 2021 season of WebRTC Live by shining a light on the innovative telecommunication developers from around the world. We invited TADHack founder Alan Quayle to share his favorite hacks of TadHack Global 2021. Watch it here!
There’s more on the line with a healthcare application, so solid user experience (UX) design is critical. Implementing good design upfront, considering use cases like rejoining a call, and building in preventative measures like pre-call tests are all crucial for healthier and happier users. Twilio Programmable Video has many features that support thoughtful UX design in your telehealth application.
Product owners play a key role in their teams’ ability to deliver a high-quality video application. Thinking about items like call quality, waiting rooms, connectivity tests, and call data will all help the product owner to guide their team into building a more functional video application that users will love. Using a great CPaaS like Twilio helps!