Real Time Weekly #242: August 13, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! This week we have tutorials and articles from Pusher, Twilio, WebRTCHacks, Twilio,, Ably and more! Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to share content, propose new topics, or just to say hello! Thanks
A question you may ask when building an application is, do you need to integrate your telehealth app? When building your telehealth application, it may be a standalone application. This is the simplest to secure because there is no application interface where private data might be exchanged
It is important to understand how to make sure your telehealth video app is HIPAA compliant so that your patients’ information can be secured properly. For discussion purposes, we will consider a telehealth application where patients may search for doctors and then schedule a video consultation with them.
Last year, we sent out a survey asking you to share your experiences and challenges as a webRTC developer and were astounded by your response. As you know, over the last 12 months, the world of webRTC has not only grown a lot but has experienced much change. It is