The world of online education and tutoring has been remarkably enhanced and changed in a number of ways by video chat and WebRTC capabilities. The addition of these capabilities has brought a positive level of interaction and engagement that was missing from online education and tutoring, as
When Train-With’s founder, Rachel Aram, decided to create a platform which provides one the ability to take a group fitness class or train with a favorite trainer regardless of time and location, she turned to the team to get professional help in developing and launching her
[Testimonial] Docto Telehealth Video Chat Application From Zero to Demo in 3 Months After a year wasted on inexperienced developers, Docto’s Director and Co-Founder, Dr. John Field turned to the team to get professional help in developing and launching their medical specialist healthcare service. He was
Recent weeks have brought a slew of WebRTC conferencing tool announcements, especially targeted to the enterprise. Amazon announced Chime – their free conference tool which touts “exceptional audio and video quality.” Google has started to roll out an enterprise version of Hangouts called Google Meet. And while