In Hector’s final post in his series on basic networking concepts used in WebRTC, he creates a video conference application and goes “under the hood” to understand all the networking that happens in order to establish a call using WebRTC.
“The professors were very interested in engaging with us. Both parties are eager to continue working towards developing routes that will allow us to reach the students with targeted initiatives and create win-win situations for both the University and our growing software development company.”
For our 73rd episode of WebRTC Live, Arin was joined by Dan Jenkins of Nimble Ape, CommCon and Broadcaster VC to explore the increasing role of WebRTC in broadcasting.
Capitalizing on the considerable flexibility that the Amazon Chime SDK offers for customizing the UI, Marcell takes yet another step in our growing demo application: active speaker detection to identify who is talking and manipulate the user interface to favor that stream over the rest.