In a previous post, we shared the reasons why you shouldn’t depend on Skype for the remote services of your product. Today as a follow-up, we bring to you the 6 benefits of integrating WebRTC into your business video conferencing solution. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Real Time Weekly #267: February 11, 2019 In this issue we’ve got new WebRTC and Realtime articles from Pipe, Agora, Google, Twilio, Nexmo and more! Do you have topics in mind that you wanna see more often? Do you want to share your tech blog posts and publish
You may be asking “Why does my business need a real time application?” Open your Twitter app. Scroll up. And you will most likely see the everyday more frequent LIVE video. Live video news, sports broadcastings or just the latest presidential speech will be there, live. We
Real Time Weekly #266: February 4, 2019 In this issue we’ve got new WebRTC and Realtime articles from Hackster, Nexmo, Twilio, Bloggeek, Pusher, WebRTCHacks and more! Do you have topics in mind that you wanna see more often? Do you want to share your tech blog posts and