Real Time Weekly #256: November 19, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! This week we’ve got new tutorials and articles about WebRTC and Realtime development. In addition, check out the recently open sourced TURN server from Xirsys, and the new features included in the latest release
Last week, I returned to my alma mater to participate in SpeakCNU, an annual TED Talk-style event that allows students, staff, and alumni to share their ideas and experiences with the campus community. This year’s SpeakCNU topic was the power of vulnerability. As soon as I saw
Real Time Weekly #255: November 12, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! Hello everyone! This week we’ve got a great article about WebRTC Data Channels from Janus. In addition we have more content from Nexmo, PubNub, Pusher, and more! Your feedback is always welcome! So you can write me to