We are proud to announce the WebRTC Argentina mini-conference to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on June 15th 2016. It is the first WebRTC conference of it’s kind in Argentina, and our team at WebRTC.ventures is a sponsor and organizer of the event. You can learn
I became interested in WebRTC a few years ago, and immediately saw the disruptive nature of WebRTC in the browser. Peer to peer, encrypted communications in the browser has so many applications. At the time, most of the demo applications were “skype killers” – video conferencing tools
WebRTC is not just video – it’s Data too! WebRTC is not just about video chat, although that is almost always part of it. WebRTC allows for Peer to Peer video chat, audio chat, or data exchange between two web browser clients. With a little extra work,
Software development is hard, especially when you are working with a cutting edge technology like WebRTC. Of course, that’s what makes it exciting too! WebRTC enables video chat in browsers and mobile devices As you may already know, WebRTC is an HTML5 standard for building peer-to-peer video