The bustling streets of Naples and plentiful sunshine set the scene for an exciting start to the JanusCon 2024 conference, held at Centro Congressi Federico II. Amidst the chaotic morning traffic, I eagerly made my way to the venue, ready to delve into the world of RTC
Janode enables you to secure and customize your Janus application for better performance. Tahir reviews some of the specific advantages to using Janode and runs some sample code to see it in action.
A code example for automating configuration for WebRTC. Hector shows us how to provision two EC2 instances: one running the Janus WebRTC Server and the other one running coturn.
For our 64th episode of WebRTC Live, Arin welcomed back Lorenzo Miniero, Chairman of Meetecho and Founder of the Janus media server to discuss the technical challenges in implementing fully hybrid meeting such as March 2022’s IETF 113 Conference.