On May 24, 2023, Arin Sime welcomed Amazon Chime SDK (AWS) Head of Developer Advocacy, Court Schuett to WebRTC Live. Court gave us an in depth look at how to use WebRTC with the Amazon Chime SDK to create a Click to Call application that will bridge
For our 78th episode of WebRTC Live, Arin sat down for another WebRTC.ventures Team Roundtable with our CTO, COO, and Senior WebRTC Engineer to discuss three things we’ve learned building video applications.
For our 77th episode of WebRTC Live, Arin was joined by Vonage Developer Advocate Diana Pham to explore using the low-code Vonage AI Studio for customer engagement applications, the pros and cons of low code/no code, conversational AI models, and more.
For our 76th episode of WebRTC Live, Arin was joined by Sandro Gauci to talk about the WebRTC attack surface. Sandro is the Chief Mischief Officer, Founder, and CEO at RTC security audit and penetration testing experts, Enable Security.