A common issue we solve for clients here at WebRTC.ventures is how to get better quality video in WebRTC applications. A common and understandable question: If we can get 2K, 4K and above on YouTube videos, why can’t we easily get the same in a WebRTC application?
Real-time applications are everywhere and in many shapes: from typical messaging apps and video conferencing, to live streaming and even online gaming and trading platforms. Use cases span through multiple industries: Education, Healthcare and Customer Service, just to name a few. WebRTC allows building these web-based and
At Geekle’s Worldwide Software Architecture Summit ’22 November 15-16, 2022, our CTO Alberto Gonzalez will present a talk on architecting low latency WebRTC applications for scalability, high quality, and usability.
Are you having poor video quality issues in your live video application? User interface complaints? Calls dropping? Ready to scale but concerned about latency? Maybe you’ve already built a prototype and you’re trying to select the best architecture to base your long-term solution upon? Or, you are