Henry Ford was once quoted as saying, “The two most important things in any company do not appear in its balance sheet: its reputation and its people”. You know what we do at webRTC.ventures — we bring people together by closing geographical gaps using real time communication. However, you
It is important to consider security for payments in telehealth. Any e-commerce application that handles customer credit card information needs to consider application security, and this applies to telehealth applications as well. In general, there are several types of payments your application might need to consider: Integration
An important question to consider with telehealth applications is: Do you need a health information trust certification for telehealth? We already mentioned that HIPAA is not an actual program where you get a framed certificate at the end of the process. To claim HIPAA compliance in your
It is important to understand how to make sure your telehealth video app is HIPAA compliant so that your patients’ information can be secured properly. For discussion purposes, we will consider a telehealth application where patients may search for doctors and then schedule a video consultation with them.