Systematically transcribing, summarizing, and analyzing contact center calls reveals critical data. This information can be used to improve efficiency, enhance the customer journey, uncover business trends, ensure compliance, and much more. With AI and ML, there’s no reason for contact centers to operate ‘in the dark.’ To
What if your mobile app had direct access to data about the telecommunications network it’s running on? What would you do with additional data about things like the quality of your connection, and the device that your application is running on? I’ve been hearing about the potential
Media over QUIC is gaining momentum, AI in video is definitely here but not quite ready for real-time, and the WebRTC community continues to be vibrant. Those are just a few of my takeaways from the excellent RTC.ON conference that I attended in Krakow, Poland last week.
The 2024 IEEE RTC Conference and Expo at Illinois Tech in Chicago is just around the corner on October 8-10, 2024. As chair of the WebRTC and Real-Time Applications track, I’m happy to present a great list of speakers and topics. Use code FFSPKR for $200 off