Load testing ensures that software applications are able to handle a lot of user traffic. This is especially important in live video as, among other things, it helps identify network delays. In this post, we explore the Loadero end-to-end testing tool and its functionalities.
At Voice22, there was a lot of agreement that the interface of the future is Voice. And, that Voice may be some form of Synthetic Voice and Conversational AI. In the first of a two-part post, Arin starts with background and definitions and then summarizes some learnings and companies he met at the conference.
Browser-based multiplayer games are a popular alternative to standalone as they can run virtually anywhere. WebRTC is a perfect architecture upon which to build them on. Let's see why.
For our 71st episode of WebRTC Live, Arin welcomed Chad Hart back to WebRTC Live for an analysis of recent open source trends, highlighting today’s most popular WebRTC-related open source repositories.