At RailsConf 2019, we attended an interesting lecture called “Sprinkles of Functional Programming.” WebRTC Ventures aims to use the best approaches for our solutions, so I was excited for this lecture. The lecture discussed two concepts: object-oriented and functional programming. Object-oriented programming is a style that allows
Back in 2016, our founder discussed the three things WebRTC can’t do. At the time, we were receiving several questions from our customers about the use of plugins, so we wrote a blog post about the limitations of this young technology. Since then, the technology has significantly
Context RailsConf 2019 took place a few weeks ago, and we were there to learn about the new stuff in this popular web framework. One of the many great announcements is a new Ruby gem that allows us to interact with the Nexmo API that provides SMS,
Telehealth has made enormous contributions to improve the delivery of health services around the world. Today we’ll take a look at the technology that makes it possible. Real-Time Communications (RTC) Real-time is a form of communication in which information is transmitted instantly under low-latency conditions, like in