Do you remember you first love? I do and it goes hand in hand with webRTC Signaling. When I was a little child, there was a girl in another class, beautiful brown eyes and short hair. My friend knew her. So in order to be able to
Face-to-face, no matter the place — Telehealth is bringing patients and providers closer than ever before. With quality-of-life improvements for both, it has the potential to revolutionize the way you provide care, while keeping you fully compliant. This post looks at a few common telehealth use cases. Common WebRTC Use
Henry Ford was once quoted as saying, “The two most important things in any company do not appear in its balance sheet: its reputation and its people”. You know what we do at — we bring people together by closing geographical gaps using real time communication. However, you
Real Time Weekly #234: June 18, 2018 Welcome to Real Time Weekly! In this week’s issue we’ve got cool blog posts about Async/Await,, PubNub, React Native, Machine Learning, and a great video tutorial about how to install Jitsi Meet by your own. Your feedback is always welcome! So