WebRTCStandards asked our company’s Founder & CEO, Arin Sime to present on “Selecting the Right Strategy for Your WebRTC Project” during their last Live Q&A Session held on November 13th.
Sime addressed the following questions: What’s the best option for your project? CPaaS or on-premise? Should you choose an open source platform or go for a commercial solution? Should you base your decision only on cost?
There’s not just one answer.
CPaas or Communications Platform as a Service could include video, audio, telephony, SMS, etc. It is hosted in the cloud and sold based on usage.
Examples of CPaas services include tokbox, Vidyo.io, Temasys, agora.io, twilio, Xirsys and more.
Benefits of using CPaaS:
- Faster implementation (probably)
- Lower up front cost
- Infrastructure as a service
- Less media server knowledge/tuning
- Plenty of examples out there
- Wider range of developers can build it
- Specific features and use cases (ie, Broadcasting)
On-premise solutions may still reside in cloud services, but you control all the hardware and may have access to the source code as well. On-premise solutions may be open source or may be a commercially licensed product. Your big costs are around infrastructure management.
Examples of on-premise services include Kurento, SwitchRTC, Janus, Jitsi.org, Xirsys and more.
Benefits of using On-Premise:
- Lower operating costs (if at higher volume)
- More control over infrastructure
- More control over security
- More customization options
- Possibly own more of the Intellectual Property
Webinar Replay
For implementation examples, case studies and to listen to the session replay, click here. Interestingly enough, the event was held via crowdcast, a webRTC platform.