For our 55th episode of WebRTC Live, Arin Sime was joined by Manik Sachdeva from Around. Manik provided insight into the features, talent, technologies, and tech stacks that Around is employing to keep us connected in the new normal of collaborative meetings and hybrid work environments. They discussed noise and echo suppression, audio-only meetings, latency, scaling, UI, load balancing, the decision to use Electron, Chromium, and Mediasoup, and much more. Watch it here!
For our 54th episode of WebRTC Live, Arin Sime was joined by Sergio Garcia Murillo, founder and main developer for Meedoze technology, CoSMo’s Media Server Tech Lead, and Millicast’s Principal Engineer and Solution Architect, to explore enabling the next generation of live video architectures with Real-Time AV1 SVC.
For our 53rd episode of WebRTC Live, Arin welcomed Millicast Streaming Media Engineer Ryan Jespersen to explore how the use of WebRTC is expanding beyond the initial core design. Real-time video streaming is being done at web scale with millions of viewers and thousands of concurrent streams in a growing number of use cases. Ryan shared Millicast’s success stories in live sports and remote production, and discussed the architectures needed to enable those use cases. Watch it here!
Maintaining quality and performance as complexity increases and requirements change is very difficult to do in any application, particularly in WebRTC applications. Testing is a must, and automated testing can make it much easier. Episode 52 of WebRTC Live covers the basics and types of automated testing, continuous integration and deployment, verifying tests, testing call quality, and more. Watch it here!