Creating a brand that stands out is often as crucial as the innovation itself. At, we recently embarked on an exciting journey to develop a unique brand identity for our latest creation, Polybot.AI. “Polly” seamlessly integrates WebRTC technologies with AI, offering real-time, on the go translation
What’s behind the success of an AI-powered WebRTC application, or any product for that matter? To showcase the power of AI and WebRTC as well as the steps behind creating a great product, we put together an all-star internal team to create a proof of concept for
On September 20, 2023, host Arin Sime welcomed Daniel Phillips, Lead UI Designer for since its inception in 2015, to discuss the must-have design elements for successful video applications. An appealing and easily navigable design is a crucial component of any web or mobile application. For WebRTC applications,
In a previous post, Delivering Great Experiences in WebRTC Applications, I shared our commitment to making the interactions in WebRTC applications as seamless as possible, allowing users to achieve their tasks without distraction. However, there’s more on the line with a healthcare application, so an outstanding user