Unified communications refers to both real-time and non-real-time communications, it is based in the preference of the recipient. In Unified communications multiple modes of business communications are integrated. It is not a single product, but rather a collection of elements that include: Call control and multimodal communications
It is no secret that telemedicine is a valuable tool for healthcare providers to increase coverage and improve their services. We recently posted about the pros and cons of the technology and below, we bring to you some of the most important aspects to consider when building
In this post we are going to explore the concepts we explained in a previous post using a live video call demo, showing the interaction between the components of a web application using WebRTC and Websockets. At the end of the post, we will share the link
The WebRTC ecosystem is vast and sometimes can be a bit scary for newcomers. When I first tried to understand WebRTC, I remember coming across an incredible amount of acronyms. This article will provide a guide to webRTC media servers and a few open source options such