There are multiple options for adding real-time capabilities to a telemedicine solution. Let’s talk about 6 advantages of using WebRTC for your telehealth application instead of a technology that requires downloads. Instant Communication One of the most important aspects of a telehealth solution is the ability to
Emiliano Pelliccioni, one of our engineers, helped Chad Hart, analyst and consultant at, write an article for In the article, they analyze different methods of connecting Dialogflow to the PSTN. This is the first of a series of articles which will cover a real-life Dialogflow
The most important thing to keep in mind when developing any kind of communications platform is security. This is especially important when processing PHI, or protected health information, because HIPAA requires this information to be secured in-transit and at-rest. Today, we’ll learn about a tool from our
At RailsConf 2019, we attended an interesting lecture called “Sprinkles of Functional Programming.” WebRTC Ventures aims to use the best approaches for our solutions, so I was excited for this lecture. The lecture discussed two concepts: object-oriented and functional programming. Object-oriented programming is a style that allows