June 2024 Team Talk

Each month, we ask our dynamic team of WebRTC developers, mobile developers, designers, testers, DevOps experts, and project leads to share some of the impactful work they did in the past month.

Here’s a short list of some that might interest you — at least the ones we can talk about!

High Availability and Fault Tolerance for Satellite Communication

We have designed the architecture for a highly available and fault-tolerant application tailored for satellite communication. This architecture encompasses:

  • Queuing Systems: Efficient message handling.
  • 3rd Party Integrations: Seamless connectivity with external services.
  • Monitoring: Real-time performance tracking.
  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Ensuring reliable service delivery.

Our satellite communication application now features:

  • Custom Metrics and Dashboards: Built on Amazon Cloudwatch using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for real-time monitoring and insights.

Advanced Deployments on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and Enhanced Service Exposure

We are optimizing our deployments using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) by:

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Streamlining deployment processes with automated code-based infrastructure management.
  • Envoy and Istio: Advanced service mesh technologies to enhance routing and service communication.

Robust Unit Testing for AWS and Frontend Applications

Our testing frameworks have been fortified with:

  • AWS Lambda Functions: Implemented unit tests using pytest and mocked AWS calls with moto.
  • React Applications: Utilized Jest and babel-jest for thorough unit testing.
  • GraphQL Files: Configured Jest to process .gql and .graphql files with jest-transform-graphql.

Integration with Amazon Connect

We’ve built and refined integrations with Amazon Connect Cloud Contact Center and Customer Service Software, including:

  • Lambda Functions: Developed to seamlessly integrate with Amazon Connect Contact Flows.
  • Outbound Call Management: Using the StartOutboundVoiceContact API to initiate calls and handle contact attributes.

Advanced Amazon Connect Implementations

We continue to innovate with Amazon Connect by:

  • Contact Flows and Queues: Creating and refining efficient workflows.
  • Lex Bot Enhancements: Improving the integration of Lex bots within contact flows.

Voice Bot Development

We estimated and planned the technology stack for developing a low-latency voice bot, leveraging:

Continued Familiarization with New AI Tools

Our team is gaining expertise in cutting-edge AI tools like:

Optimized GraphQL Operations

We addressed a race condition that was affecting sync data from a GraphQL server:

  • Refetch Queries: Implemented the refetchQueries property to ensure consistent local cache updates post-mutation.

Enhanced User Experience Testing

Focused on delivering superior user experiences through rigorous testing and iteration.

Refined Database Deployment Strategies

To ensure smooth database management, we’ve:

  • Database Migrations: Moved from container startup to a dedicated stage in AWS CodePipeline, minimizing issues during deployment rollbacks.

We released the following videos:

And these blog posts:

At WebRTC.ventures, we continually enhance our capabilities to provide the best real-time video, audio, chat, and AI solutions. Whether you need an assessment of your product or assistance with building, integrating, testing, and managing it, we are here to be your partner.

If you or anyone in your team is facing challenges building real-time communication applications or integrating AI, our team loves to find and solve any kind of problem. Contact us and let us know how we can help!

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