At TADSummit in Paris on October 19, 2023, I had the pleasure of moderating a panel discussion on the role of AI in Video and Voice communication applications. In this blog post, I’ll summarize our discussion and conclude with a few of the key insights I drew
A common issue we solve for clients here at is how to get better quality video in WebRTC applications. A common and understandable question: If we can get 2K, 4K and above on YouTube videos, why can’t we easily get the same in a WebRTC application?
Real-time applications are everywhere and in many shapes: from typical messaging apps and video conferencing, to live streaming and even online gaming and trading platforms. Use cases span through multiple industries: Education, Healthcare and Customer Service, just to name a few. WebRTC allows building these web-based and
At Geekle’s Worldwide Software Architecture Summit ’22 November 15-16, 2022, our CTO Alberto Gonzalez will present a talk on architecting low latency WebRTC applications for scalability, high quality, and usability.