The bustling streets of Naples and plentiful sunshine set the scene for an exciting start to the JanusCon 2024 conference, held at Centro Congressi Federico II. Amidst the chaotic morning traffic, I eagerly made my way to the venue, ready to delve into the world of RTC
Call for Speakers for the WebRTC & Real-Time Applications Track! The 2024 RTC Conference and Expo at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) will be held October 8th – 10th, on the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Mies Campus in Chicago. As the conference celebrates its 20th anniversary, attended AWS Re:Invent 2023 in Las Vegas. Their biggest cloud event of the year! Below is a video update from the conference. I expand a few key technical and use case topics relevant to our work here at in the blog post: AWS reInvent Recap:
On October 19 and 20, our CEO and Founder Arin Sime attended TADSummit 2023 in Paris. Congratulations to Alan Quayle and his team on another great TADSummit event! Below is a video update from the conference, where Arin spoke on Maintaining and Supporting WebRTC Applications (Read: MSP Series)