Real Time Weekly #269: February 25, 2019 In this issue we have a tutorial about, a ping pong game in React Native and Pusher, sending and receiving images with Twilio WhatsApp API, and more! Glad to see WebRTC support in Flutter thanks to the new Agora Flutter SDK. Do
WebRTC & VOIP Developer WebRTC.Ventures Remote javascript – webrtc – voip – sip – kurento -jitsi – janus – asterisk Job Description seeks remote, talented and fast-learners with experience in WebRTC and or VoIP/telephony to join our team of remote developers in building innovative communications tools
Healthcare costs are on the rise, as well as the need for preventive care. Therefore, today we share some thoughts about how telemedicine fits into this picture and what you need in order to develop successful business models for WebRTC telehealth apps. Use Cases The main goal
Real Time Weekly #268: February 18, 2019 In this issue we’ve got an article from WebrtcHacks about QUIC DataChannels, a presentation about Asterisk and Janus, a tutorial from to build a group video chat app, and others two good tutorials from PubNub and Pusher. Do you have