On February 19, 2025, Péter Megyesi, CEO of L7mp, joined host Arin Sime to dive into the complexities of running WebRTC media servers in Kubernetes environments. While containerization of WebRTC applications has become common practice, integrating these containers into Kubernetes presents unique challenges due to WebRTC’s distinct networking
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) were originally designed to accelerate gaming, enabling complex graphics computations to run in parallel. Unlike Central Processing Units (CPUs), which excel at executing a few instructions at a time with high precision, GPUs are built for massive parallelism—handling thousands of operations simultaneously. This
Codecs are essential to WebRTC, enabling efficient media compression and decompression for transmission. They not only ensure seamless communication but also impact quality, latency, and compatibility across devices. In this post we will talk about the importance of codecs for WebRTC, including essential codecs, codecs that enable
For a long time, content creators and broadcasters had to choose between the immediacy of live streaming or the polish of edited, on-demand video. Today, innovations in browser APIs and real-time technologies—especially around WebRTC—are closing that gap. By leveraging powerful JavaScript APIs, modern libraries, and emerging protocols,