Missed this special presentation? No worries! We’ve compiled a host of resources, including the webinar video and slides, links to presentation resources, and a Twilio Migration Plan Timeline. Visit our Migrating From Twilio Video Resource page.
On Friday, January 12, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. EST, WebRTC.ventures will host a special presentation to aid businesses relying on Twilio for their video communications. The webinar will guide them in exploring alternative solutions to implement well before Twilio Programmable Video’s end-of-life date on December 5, 2024.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their questions for our expert team to answer in real time.
Topics will include:
- An overview of WebRTC architectures
- Factors to consider when choosing a new solution
- Twilio’s Zoom recommendation (and why it missed the mark)
- CPaaS options
- Open source options
- Abstracting the media server layer
Secure your spot to arm yourself with the knowledge needed to make an informed transition from Twilio video.